And for the finale...
5. Safari sucks - no FireFox?!
Safari... SAFARI? I know that Apple makes it and all, but sometimes you have to cut your losses. I think I read somewhere that Safari accounts for half of a half of 1% of all the browsers out there. That's like .0025% of all browsers. And now Apple's forcing it on us in the the form of this stupid, stripped down version on a phone. ::sigh:: They just never know when to give up.
Everyone knows FireFox is the browser of the future. They keep chipping away at Microsoft's market share. I think IE is down to like only owning 23% of the market or something like that. FireFox accounts for like 70% of the browsers out there now. Why not just include everyone's favorite browser on what they hope will be everyone's favorite phone?
Oh yea, I forgot, they're Apple, and like Microsoft, they don't play well with others.
4. Short battery life.
5 hours of talk time. Which everyone knows really means like 2 hours of talk time. Going for a ride and you want to listen to mp3s? I'm sure that will drain your batteries pretty fast. All of a sudden, those 2 hours of talk time is now like 60-90 minutes worth of talk time. Hell, I could talk longer than that about how much this product blows.
3. It's made by Apple.
I hate Apple. Yes, I have a MacBook Pro, but I've had more problems with it than the 5 million other PCs I've had over the years. It looks pretty but runs like shit. It's so hot that I can't put it on my lap (yea, yea, they're called "notebooks" now), I've had to replace the hard drive 3 times, it makes strange noises, and the SPOD drives me nuts.
iTunes blows too. Yes, I said it. Forget about all those mp3s I have from my college days without meta data - it's a bitch trying to find them because if there's no meta data on the mp3, iTunes gives you a giagantic middle finger. Re-rip them or perish... OR buy them from iTunes for the low low price of 99 cents a song. Wh wh what?! 99 cents a SONG for a crippled, DRM'd implementation? No thank you, I'll stick with AllOfMP3.
OS X is like Unix, except dumbed down. Have you ever tried compiling a CPAN module in Tiger? Or tried to use Perl at all? It's a nightmare. Apple stripped out the soul of BSD, and inserted the cloaked, lifeless shell that Satan swapped to Steve Jobs for his soul and some traction with the iPod.
2. It's a GSM phone, and no one in the US uses GSM.
As evident by Emperor W. Bush's invasion of the rest of the world, we Americans know that we're the center of the Universe. If it doesn't work here, it's NOT going to work overseas. Why do you think Stevie boy announced it here in the US?
Unfortunately for he and Apple, no one in the US will buy it because it only works on GSM networks; specifically, Cingular's network. Can you hear me now? NO, I didn't think so - because NO ONE uses Cingular or GSM over here. We can't even decide on a GSM frequency in this country, let alone have one all the carriers use. You know why? Because NO ONE CARES ABOUT GSM.
Blah blah blah, SIM card, blah blah blah. Too bad when I talk to my very limited amount of contacts who do use Cingular or TMobile, they ALWAYS hit dead spots and cut off. They drop calls more than Britney Spears forgets to wear underwear. The network is underdeveloped. Even if you disagree with me and <3 the style of the iPhone (puke) you're still going to sound like a robot whose voice breaks up every 5 seconds when I talk to you.
You're better off picking up a mobile phone from the 80s - one of those backpack "car phones" from back then will probably sound better on an analog network than the iPhone will on a digital one.
1. This story will make Digg and all the fanboys will come out of the woodwork to defend it.
I feel completely and utterly alone in my opinion. Everyone I talk to seems to be brainwashed by the hype surrounding this thing. I've shared my feelings with a few close, techie friends, and they're all disgusted by it... and they're not nearly as whiney as the homos on Digg.
I know that if this gets any traffic whatsoever, some idiot Digg fanboy is going to be like, "waa, he's making fun of Apple, lets lynch him, waa." Or, "Steve Jobs is our hero, lets flood this asshole's comments with rude posts!"
To all of you Apple and Digg fanboys, "boo f-in hoo". You guys are like a cult, and I don't like cults. Criticize me all you want, this is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.